DDoS Protection
DDoS Protection
DDoS Attack Protection Service: Shielding Your Electronic Services
Did you know that DDoS attacks have surged by a staggering 807% over time? These attacks can cripple your online
presence and disrupt crucial business operations. At One Albania, we offer cutting-edge DDoS Attack Protection
Service to safeguard your electronic services against these relentless threats.
Protect Your Business from the Rising Threat of Cyber Attacks
With the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyber attacks, it's crucial for organizations to safeguard their
digital assets and maintain the trust of their customers. At One Albania, we understand the evolving cyber threat
landscape and offer comprehensive security solutions to keep your business safe. Our Cyber Security Services are
designed to address two major vulnerabilities: DDoS attacks and electronic systems vulnerabilities.
Unmatched Protection
Powered by NetScout Arbor technology, our service provides robust defense against volumetric DDoS attacks at the network level (Layers 3 and 4, according to the OSI Model).
Real-Time Monitoring
We constantly monitor your internet access data traffic for any suspicious activity that may indicate an ongoing attack. This real-time service provides great efficiency in preserving data and continuing your business operations.
Immediate Response
The moment an attack is detected, we swiftly route the attacked data traffic to our state-of-the-art Cleaning Center and simultaneously replace it with clean data traffic.
Extensive Coverage
We provide the most extensive coverage with protection service applies to attack durations of up to 72 hours and attack bandwidths of up to 20 GB/s, shielding your business from even the most aggressive attacks.
Protect your business with One Albania
As a leading provider of telecommunications services in the region, One Albania is committed to your business's
security and success. By choosing our Cyber Security Services, you gain a trusted partner that combines advanced
technology, expertise, and a proactive approach to mitigate cyber threats.
Take the first step towards safeguarding your business from DDoS attacks. Contact us
today at [insert contact information] to discuss your specific security needs and explore how One Albania can protect
your digital assets. Be the ONE to defend your business against cyber threats!