Customer care

If you have a business contract

In accordance with the law on fiscalization, ONE uploads your bill in real time to the central bill platform, according to the legislative requirements

In accordance with the law on fiscalization, ONE uploads your bill in real time to the central bill platform, according to the legislative requirements

You can find below a tutorial video on how to use the platform.

Fiscalization training video.

If you have an individual contract

To be informed about your billing and monthly payments, ONE provides you with fast, simple, and completely secure ways for your personal information:

  • My One App – download here..
  • Through the 142,123 service.

If you have a business contract

To get monthly consumption details, you need to:

  • Contact your ONE manager.
  • Call 144 or 165, and our specialists will help you.
  • Or write to us at
  •  Do not forget to leave your e-mail address.


If you have an individual contract.

To get information on monthly consumption details, you need to:

  • Download the bill from My One App
  • Submit a request at any ONE store to receive the analytical bill. Do not forget to leave your e-mail address.

If you have a business contract:

  • A detailed bill can be prepared for the last 6 months, from the moment the request has been submitted at any ONE store.

If you have an individual contract:

  • A detailed bill can be prepared for the last 6 months, from the moment the request has been submitted at any ONE store.
  • You can download it from My ONE for the last 3 months

If you have a business or individual contract.

Yes, you can pay your dues at any ONE store, throughout Albania, at any Western Union point, or at any commercial bank.

If you have a business or individual contract.

The deadline for paying your dues is the 18th of each month. ONE constantly reminds you if there is any payment delay from your side after this date. In case of non-repayment of the liability, your services may be blocked until you pay your liability.

If you have an individual contract:

One sends you an SMS at the beginning of each month, as soon as the monthly dues have been calculated:

  • At any time through the My One App.
  • In any ONE store.
  • By Calling 142,123

If you have an individual contract

To be informed about your monthly traffic, you need to:

  • Register to the My One app.

For any information or problems, you may encounter, you can call customer service for free at 142 / 123, or write to us on WhatsApp at +355688000142. We are at your disposal 24/7.

If you are a prepaid subscriber, you just need to have the Internet activated on your SIM card and phone. If you are a post-paid subscriber, first you must activate the Roaming Internet service by contacting Customer Care at 142,123 or by visiting any ONE store.
Activation of the service is provided free of charge, without any extra charges.

For Business subscribers, the company administrator must submit a request for activation of this service by e-mail to the address: or to the relevant representative/agent.

Once the service has been activated, you can use it as you do in Albania, but first you should choose the operator which ONE has cooperation with in Internet Roaming. 
For more information on Roaming service, tariffs, and bundles, click  here.

You can top up your card via our official website or My One app. If you have a top-up card, you can contact 141 and follow the instructions.

Someone else can as well top up your number by visiting any ONE store, or via My One app.

Upon activating the Roaming service, you must select one of the Roaming operators and connect to the partner network. You can activate a Roaming bundle according to the respective country, and make/receive calls, send SMS, as well as use the Internet service according to the tariffs of the country you are located at. In any case, receiving SMS is free.

The RLH service means that you can use the Roaming service when you travel to the Western Balkans countries as if you were to use the service in Albania; so you do not have to pay additional fees to make calls, send SMS or use the Internet service during your visit.

Western Balkans countries include Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Furthermore, you can use your units with all the operators of the above countries.

The change is automatic, and it affects all prepaid and post-paid subscribers, without any extra charges for roaming bundles. However, post-paid subscribers must make sure to have Roaming service activated first.

No, this does not apply since in this case you are not using any Roaming services, but international calls from Albania, and you are charged according to the corresponding tariffs for these calls.    

You can use them all. Thus, if your plan includes national minutes, you can call all mobile numbers within the Western Balkans and Albania, without any limit, at no extra costs. If you have used up your minutes before you use Roaming services, you will be charged according to your tariff plan.

Yes. The RLH (Roam Like Home) model includes zero extra Roaming charges only for mobile-to-mobile roaming calls within the Western Balkans, and not calls to/from fixed networks of the Western Balkans, including those of Albania. These calls are charged as normal calls in Roaming Zone 1.

It uses the same logic. If your tariff plan includes a certain amount of National SMS, you can use them without limit to Western Balkans/Albanian numbers.

Nothing. After July 1, 2021, incoming calls and SMS within the Western Balkans and Albania are FREE of charge.

If your tariff plan or bundle includes internet units you can use the internet when visiting the Western Balkans countries, although there will be some limits. ONE will offer you a certain amount of internet volume or you will be able to use your entire bundle at no extra costs, depending on your tariff plan/bundle. Information on the specific volume to use in the Western Balkans can be found in the following link:, dedicated to Roaming services.

For each MB consumed, ONE will charge according to domestic rates. Prepaid subscribers according to the price 9,994 ALL/MB, and post-paid subscribers 1.14 ALL/MB. You will be notified when you have used up the internet units included in your tariff plan/bundle.

In this case, you will pay according to the tariff scheme within the country.

This case is considered Roaming outside of the Western Balkans and will be charged according to Roaming Z1 rates. The same thing happens if you call a fixed number to Albania or the Western Balkans.

Yes, since the same mechanism is applied in Albania, incoming calls are free, and you do not need credits as long as the SIM card is active or limited only to incoming calls.


If you have a greater presence (over 50%) in Albania (connected to Albanian mobile network) than in the Western Balkans, or you use your mobile more (over 50%) in Albania than in the Western Balkans, you have the right to use/benefit from RLAH in the WESTERN BALKANS. However, if ONE has evidence and determines that in the last 4 months you spent most of your time (over 50%) in the WESTERN BALKANS and consumed more (over 50%) mobile service traffic in the WESTERN BALKANS, ONE has the right to send you an SMS and ask to adjust your traffic consumption to the fair usage policy. If this does not happen in the following 2 weeks, ONE has the right to charge you additional roaming fees as follows:

94 ALL/minute for outgoing calls;

97 ALL/minute incoming calls;

23 ALL/outgoing SMS;

95 ALL/MB for internet

If your phone connects at least once a day to the ONE network and we know you are not a resident of another country, you will be able to take advantage of the new regulation.

No, services such as GPRS, Intranet, Data SIM are not part of the Regulation for Free Roaming in the Western Balkans.

You can check the remaining units of your bundle at any time: Through My One App. Sent SMS with text BA to number 142,123 (Free). By calling customer care service 142,123 and press 0 to transfer to our agents (Free). Through "My Account" on our official website One Albania

We suggest you not to allow automatic updates on your phone. Set this option to OFF or choose to update only over Wi-Fi. Thus, the MB included in your bundle will not be used up for automatic updates that you are not aware of. 

You can top up your or someone else's card at any time through My One application or our official website You can also visit a ONE store or call 141,123 and follow the instructions.

Contact the number 0681000141 and follow the usual instructions.

Contact Customer Care at 139 to provide the correct PK serial number found on your top-up card. Top up unlock will be done to you instantly.

Top up is blocked if the top-up card's 12-digit code is entered incorrectly three times during the top up procedure.

The amount with which you can perform electronic top up starts from 100 ALL and higher.

You can contact Customer Care Service at number 139,142 and provide the correct information that will be required to obtain the PUK code, or you can show up at ONE stores with a identification document (passport, identity card or new driver's license). Also, through the My One application, you can find the PUK code of your number at any time.

When the PIN code is entered incorrectly three times, your card is blocked, and you are asked to enter the PUK code. Enter the correct PUK 1 code to unlock your card.

The number is deactivated if the top up validity ends and after this period you have three months available to carry out the top up.

For information on number reactivation, you must show up at a ONE store with identification document (ID card or passport).

You can show up at any ONE store, throughout Albania, together with an identification document: Passport, Identity Card, or Driving License (new). For prepaid subscribers, the service costs 360 ALL (VAT-Incl.).

Complaints may be submitted:

  • via these numbers  139, 144, 142  for all kinds of complaints.
  • through ONE Albania SHA counters where a written complaint statement is received.
  • One Chat, on the official website of ONE as well as whatsapp at the number +355672000123/+355688000142
  • via mail for various complaints to ONE  Albania official address.
  • by email, at ;
  • through the website

You can choose how you want to receive the answer:

1) To your e-mail address.

2) At home address.

3) Going to one of the ONE stores.

4) By contacting you on your phone number.

No, the complaint can also be sent:

- by e-mail to the address: ;

- through My One application, in the Customer Care menu.

- by mail, to our address “Muhedin Llagami, Complex Square 21, Tirana”.

For prepaid subscribers, a detailed bill can be prepared for the last 3 months from the moment the request is made.

Vlefshmeria dhe Vlerat e Rimbushjeve

Cdo rimbushje e kartave SIM te pajtimtareve e shtyn vlefshmerine e kreditit sipas vlefshmerise qe ka vete rimbushja e kryer ne leke.

Cdo vlere monetare e rimbushjes e kryer nga pajtimtari do te kete vlefshmerine si me poshte:

  • Nga 100 Leke deri    499 Leke     à 30 dite nga data e rimbushjes
  • Nga 500 Leke deri 1,200 Leke     à 45 dite nga data e rimbushjes
  • Nga 1,201 Leke deri 2,000 Leke  à 60 dite nga data e rimbushjes
  • Nga 2,001 Leke e me shume       à 180 dite nga data e rimbushjes

Shenim: Vlefshmeria me e gjate e dhene nga shumat e rimbushjes do te mbizoteroje.

Ne te gjitha dyqanet e shoqerise ONE, vlera minimale e rimbushjes eshte 300 leke (me TVSH). Për çdo rimbushje me vlerë 300 Lekë – 499 Lekë klienti do të përfitojë një bonus ditor prej 100 MB.

Ne menyre qe t’u jepet perparesi mjeteve online dhe per te drejtuar pajtimtaret drejt sherbimeve dixhitale dhe vet-sherbimit, vlera minimale e rimbushjes eshte 100 leke (me TVSH) ne te dyja kanalet online te komunikimit: My One app dhe faqja zyrtare


Cikli i nje karte SIM me parapagese eshte 13 muaj, 12 muaj ne status “Aktiv” dhe 1 muaj ne status “Pasiv” (Vetem Rimbushje). 

Ne statusin “Aktiv”, pajtimtari mund te perdore te gjitha sherbimet qe ofron shoqeria ONE, te dergoje dhe marre thirrje, SMS dhe te perdori internet.

Nese gjate statusit “Aktiv” pajtimtari nuk kryen rimbushje, 7 dite perpara se statusi i kartes SIM te ndryshoje nga “Aktiv” ne statusin “Pasiv” (“Vetem Rimbushje”), pajtimtari merr nje SMS informuese per ndryshimin e statusit te numrit te tij ne 7 dite, nese nuk eshte kryer ende ndonje event rimbushjeje.

Ne statusin “Pasiv”, pajtimtari mund te kryeje nje rimbushje, mund te marre thirrje hyrese dhe SMS, por nuk mund te kryeje trafik dales. Nëse gjatë periudhes 1 mujore të statusit “Pasiv”, numri MSISDN nuk kryen një rimbushje, 7 ditë para përfundimit të periudhës 1-mujore të statusit “Pasiv” (“Vetëm Hyrës”), pajtimtari merr një SMS informuese të çaktivizimit në 7 ditë nëse nuk është kryer ende ndonjë event rimbushjeje.


Pajtimetaret me parapagese One mund te komunikojne duke aktivizuar paketat me parapagese, me benefitet dhe cmimet sipas paketave specifike, ose sipas cmimeve per njesi.

Tarifat per njesi, sipas destinacionit perkates, jane si vijon:


Tarife per Njesi

Minuta kombetare

39 Leke/ Minute

SMS kombetare

10 Leke/ SMS

SMS Nderkombetare

15 Leke/ SMS


0.0976 Leke / Cdo 10Kb

Te gjitha tarifat mesiper perfshijne TVSH, dhe jane te vlefshme sipas:

  • Minutat Kombetare jane te vlefshem drejt te gjitha operatoreve Mobile & FIX kombetare.
  • Minutat Kombetare jane te vlefshem drejt te gjitha operatoreve Mobile kombetare.
  • SMS Nderkombetare jane te vlefshme drejt operatoreve te Zones 1

Tarifimi per njesi per Minuta Nderkombetare eshte sipas operatorit te shtetit ne Zonen perkatese, si vijon:

Tarife (me Tvsh) per Minute

Zone 1

81.99 Leke/ Minute

Zone 2

149.99 Leke/ Minute

Zone 3

179.99 Leke/ Minute

Zone 4

269.99 Leke/ Minute

Zone 5

419.99 Leke/ Minute

Per listen e operatoreve nderkombetare ne secilen zone kliko ketu.

 To be informed about your billing and monthly payments, ONE provides you with fast, simple, and completely secure ways for your personal information:

  • My One App
  • Through service 142, 123

To activate the analytical bill service, you need to go at any ONE store with your ID card or call us at 142,123 and our specialists will help you. To receive an analytical bill, you must make a request at any ONE store. Do not forget to leave your email address.

The detailed bill can be prepared for the last 6 months, from the moment when the request is submitted.

Yes, you can pay the bill at any ONE store, throughout Albania, at any Western Union point, at any commercial bank, or from the My One application, with a bank card.

The deadline for paying your bill payment is on the 18th of each month. One constantly sends you reminders upon any delays in payment from your side, after this date. In case of failure to pay the bill, your services may be discontinued until you perform your payment.

ONE sends you an SMS at the beginning of every month, as soon as the month’s due liability is calculated:

• At any time, through the My One application.

• In every One store.

• By calling 142,123

You can do this by visiting any of One store. Our specialists will be happy to help.

ONE helps you achieve better control of your expenses. With the credit limit service, you set the maximum amount you want to spend in a month, on top of your monthly fee.

ONE notifies you when you reach about 80% of this limit. If you reach the set limit, ONE automatically stops further use of the service to avoid additional costs.

You can do this in any One store. Our specialists will be happy to help.

To inquire information about your monthly traffic, you simply need to:

- Create an account on the My One app.

To get information about the remaining units of your tariff plan, you just need to:

- Create an account on the My One app.

If you enter an incorrect PIN code three times in a row, your card gets locked, and you are then required to enter the PUK code. Please enter the correct PUK 1 code to unlock your card.

If you are an Individual subscriber, you must contact our Customer Service by calling 144, to request the activation of the service.

Pajtimtaret me Kontrate Individuale One mund te komunikojne duke perdorur njesite e planit tarifor, me benefitet dhe cmimet sipas secilit plan te perzgjedhur. Ne rastin kur pajtimtaret kane konsumuar njesite e planit, ata do vazhdojne te komunikojne sipas cmimeve per njesi.

Tarifat per njesi, sipas destinacionit perkates, jane si vijon:

                                             Tarife per Njesi

Minuta Kombetare

9 Leke/ Minute

SMS Kombetare

4 Leke/ SMS

SMS Nderkombetare

9 Leke/ SMS


0.0976 Leke / Cdo 10Kb


Te gjitha tarifat mesiper perfshijne TVSH, dhe jane te vlefshme sipas:

  • Minutat Kombetare jane te vlefshem drejt te gjitha operatoreve Mobile & FIX kombetare.
  • Minutat Kombetare jane te vlefshem drejt te gjitha operatoreve Mobile kombetare.
  • SMS Nderkombetare jane te vlefshme drejt operatoreve te Zones 1


Tarifimi per njesi per Minuta Nderkombetare eshte sipas operatorit te shtetit ne Zonen perkatese, si vijon:

Tarife (me Tvsh) per Minute

Zone 1

59.99 Leke/ Minute

Zone 2

110.99 Leke/ Minute

Zone 3

125.99 Leke/ Minute

Zone 4

227.99 Leke/ Minute

Zone 5

359.99 Leke/ Minute


Smartphones, devices that combine capabilities of a mobile phone with those of a personal digital device (PDA) or even a portable computer (laptop), can become subject to malware/computer viruses. To safely use these devices, it is recommended that you take the same precautions as you would for your personal computers. Installing malware on your mobile device can:

- "inflate" your monthly bill, e.g., by sending multiple messages.

- destroy or steal personal information.

- overload your network connection.

Safe use of Bluetooth: Bluetooth is a technology that enables wireless communication and data exchange between devices located within a short distance. The Bluetooth option is used to transmit viruses across mobile devices. Use the Bluetooth option in such a way that your device is not "visible" to others. If your mobile phone is visible, there is a risk that it will pick up viruses from devices nearby. You should be careful when installing software or receive files via Bluetooth. If your device asks you to install an unknown software, you should avoid it.

Devices/products that can get viruses through the use of Bluetooth:

- all phones/tablets or devices with an android system which do not use the "Bluetooth Low Energy" protocol

- all Linux devices from version 3.3-rc 1 (Remote Code Execution)

- all iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices with iOS 9.3.5 and below

- all Apple TV devices with version 7.2.2 and below Recommendations:

- update all Bluetooth devices -disable Bluetooth if no updates are available

- click below for detailed instructions on updating your device:




Controlled Access to your Device: you should decide to implement some form of access control on your device, such as using a personal identification number (PIN), a password, or a lock pattern. Your personal PIN (Personal Identification Number) is a number that must be introduced to gain access to your device. The password for mobile devices works in the same way as the password onto your computer or your personal online account. A strong password provides greater security than a personal identification number password/PIN. A device lock pattern is a personal pattern that you draw on your device's screen to activate it. Select the option in your device settings which does not display the password as you type it. Seriously consider enabling the option to erase the contents of the device, in case of failed activation after several attempts, in order to protect your data if your device is stolen. However, if you enable the option to erase the content of the device, pay special attention to the curiosity of children. In any case, make sure you have backup copies of the content of your mobile device.

Remote Tracking & Wiping: Most mobile devices have specific applications that can locate the device remotely, and remotely enable data wiping as well. You may need to install such an application or activate it while you still have your device. iPhone and iPad devices offer an application known as "Find My iPhone" which is activated through a Manufacturer Identification (Apple ID) account. Blackberry mobile devices must be registered in dedicated computer servers (BES - Blackberry Enterprise Server) or similar applications in order to enable data deletion through remote access. Mobile devices with an Android operating system can go to the browser and search for findmyphone.

Encryption: If someone has physical access into your device, they are likely to use advanced technologies that bypass your passwords and PINs in order to obtain access to the device's data. Encryption protects your data from these advanced attacks. Some devices use encryption set by the manufacturer, while others must be enabled by the user, or the user installs an encryption program. iPhone and iPad devices offer built-in (in-system) encryption, which is activated automatically. Android OS devices have built-in encryption that can be enabled via the Security Options Menu.

Saving backup copies (backup): The option of saving backup copies on your device offers the possibility of recovering data immediately in case your device is lost/stolen. Backups should be created regularly, and this can be done through the following ways: through direct connection to the computer. iCloud service, which is offered free of charge to users of iPhone, iPad and iPod devices, and the user can choose to store contacts, email, calendar, photos, music, and other files in an iCloud account. The free Google Cloud service for Android operating system devices, which offers options similar to the iCloud service. Security of connected devices: All devices connected to your device should be protected with virus protection programs. Malware can be transferred to a mobile device from your computer.

Email / MMS protection: Emails received on mobile devices (email, MMS) should be treated in the same way as when you receive them on your computer. If a message looks strange or you do not know who the sender is, do not open it. Downloading files from the Internet: Avoid downloading content to your device from unknown or unsafe sources. Installing an anti-virus program: There are several types of anti-virus programs to protect smart mobile devices from malware. Most devices have a pre-installed anti-virus, which must be activated.

At One Online Shop, you can find exclusive offers, as well as a large variety of phone/smartphone/tablet/laptop models, which you can order directly online, at the comfort of your home, at no additional costs. The product arrives at your address with free shipping, order delivery is finalized within 48 hours countrywide, and you can pay by card or pay cash on delivery. If you have chosen the payment method "Pay on delivery", you will be contacted within 24 hours on your phone number, to finalize your order.

To activate the message centre on One numbers, you must dial +355681000000 or 00355681000000. This number must be placed in the message settings option in the menu of your phone, and to do this you can follow the steps below:

From your phone's menu:

Go to [Messages]

Select [Settings]

Select [text messages]

Then select [Service Centre] where you will enter the One message centre number.

To check if the message centre on your iPhone is set up correctly, type the code:

*#5005*7672# and press the button that initiates calls.

If the message centre does not appear correctly, we suggest you to deactivate it by typing the code:

##5005*7672# and press the button that initiates calls. After deactivating it, you need to reactivate the message centre by typing the code below:

**5005*7672*+355681000000# and press the button that initiates calls.

This service can be activated in those cases when:

The number is switched off or out of coverage, by dialling the code **62*+355687766666666# and the call button.

The number is busy, by dialling the code **67*+355687766666666# and the call button.


Press [Settings]

Press [General] Press [Cellular]

Press [Cellular Data]

Fill in the details below:

APN: internet.t



Press the [Home] button

This is how the new profile is saved and activated.

Now, you can try surfing the Internet from your device.

How can I disable receiving Missed Calls? To disable the Missed Call Identification service: For cases when the number is switched off, or out of the coverage area, press ##62# and the call button. For cases when the number is busy, press ##67# and the call button.

You can activate Call Waiting by dialling the code *43# and then the call button.

To deactivate it, you need to dial the code #43# and then the call button.

If you are a prepaid subscriber or with an Individual contract, contact our call centres 139/144 and provide the relevant information for this procedure.

If you have a Business post-paid number, the business administrator should contact you to provide the relevant information.

 How should block my phone number in case I lose it? If you are a prepaid subscriber or with an Individual contract, contact our call centres 139/144/123 and provide the relevant information for this procedure.

If you have a Business post-paid number, the business administrator should contact you to provide the relevant information.

For pre-paid and Individual contract numbers, contact our call centers 139/144 and after providing the correct data, the number will be reactivated.

For Business post-paid numbers, the administrator must submit a request at any One store or contact our call centers 139/144/123 where they provide the correct data to reactivate the number.

The "Conference Call" service is only available to ONE contract subscribers:

1-First you must make a call and put it on hold.

2- Then start a second call. At this moment, the "Merge" option appears in the menu of your phone.

3- Press OK and the conference is activated.

This message is heard when you enter the Missed Call Identification activation code incorrectly.

To deactivate, dial the code ##62# and press the call button, then re-dial the activation code correctly. This message can also be heard if the number is dialed incorrectly or does not exist.

This happens when your number is hidden, and the other subscriber has activated the Missed Call Identification service.>

This message is heard when you enter the Missed Call Identification activation code incorrectly. To deactivate, dial the code ##62# and press the call button, then dial the correct activation code again.

This message can be heard even when the number being contacted is not fully dialed.

ONE Fix is the first landline phone that gives you the opportunity to choose how to activate it, prepaid or post-paid.

To activate a ONE Fixed number, you must go to any ONE store with the relevant documentation (Passport or Identity Card) and choose from the various offers.

To top up your ONE Fix prepaid number, you must go to any of ONE stores.

Yes, you can switch to the One network and choose between the different rates plans and bundles that are offered.

Some of the ways to activate the Internet service are as follows:

  • Contact the number 142/123 for free.
  • Also, at One Shops or by calling Customer Care 139/144

 You will only need to follow the given instructions.


For all your One network numbers, you need to stop by a One store with the same documentation you have for opening your last bill purchase contracts to go through the relevant procedures.

You must go to any ONE store with your documentation (passport or identity card) and get information regarding the selection of the tariff plan, and the payment of the guarantee.

You must go to any One store with VAT no. and documentation (passport or identity card), and follow the relevant procedures.

You must go to any of ONE stores with documentation (passport or identity card).

If you are under the age of 18, you must be accompanied by your parent or legal guardian with relevant documentation (passport or identity card) and follow the relevant procedures.

You can switch from prepaid to postpaid subscriber while keeping the same number.

For this procedure, you must visit any One store with documentation (passport or identity card) and receive information on the selection of the tariff plan, and the payment of the guarantee.

Do not use simple passwords (use letters, numbers, and special characters if the system allows).

Use different passwords for different services, and change them regularly. Keep your passwords safe. Do not expose them to others. Never give your password to anyone, not even a close friend.

Check your accounts for any suspicious activity. In some cases, you can check when you last logged in. Always use up-to-date programs for protection against viruses and from interfering with the system and obtaining information without owner knowledge and consent.

Maintain up-to-date Internet browsing software, firewalls, and operating systems with up-to-date security mechanisms. Do not share your address, phone number or school name with people you may know online, unless your parents have given you permission to do so.

Never respond to emails or posts that contain malicious, suggestive content and harsh or rude language; Be careful when receiving an email, even when it comes from a "trusted" sender, e.g.: banks, governments, etc. They often come from other sources and ask you to enter passwords. Do not click on links unless you are sure of the destination.

Safety for children

Never open attachments in emails that are sent from people or sources you do not know or trust. Delete these attached files immediately. They may contain viruses or other programs that can destroy the information on your computer and its programs. Never decide to meet or date someone in person without first agreeing with your parents and take them with you to accompany you on your first date. Meetings should always be in public places, and always tell someone where you are going. Never send photos, bank details, or any other personal information to anyone without first asking your parents. Always tell your parents if you come across inappropriate language or unpleasant pictures online. Always be yourself and do not pretend to be someone else or something you are not. Always remember that if a website is adult only, it means there is a reason for this, and you should not visit it!

Do not use simple passwords (use letters, numbers, and special characters if the system allows them). Use different passwords for different services and change them regularly. Keep your passwords safe.

Do not let others look at your passwords. Never give your password to anyone, not even to a close friend. Check your accounts for any suspicious activity. In some cases, you can check when you last logged in.

Always use up-to-date programs for protection against viruses and from interfering with the system and obtaining information without the owner`s knowledge and consent.

Maintain up-to-date Internet browsing software, firewalls, and operating systems with up-to-date security mechanisms. Do not share your address, phone number or school name with people you may know online, unless your parents have given you permission to do so.

Using network-based services (e.g., browsing the Internet/network, using electronic mail, etc.) can potentially damage your computer or device from malicious programs. The term malware refers to programs intended to breach the security of personal computers, to cause damage, or steal personal data/information.

The basic categories of malicious software are:

Virus – A virus is a piece of computer code that attaches itself to a program or file. Some viruses can cause damage, such as programs damage, delete programs, delete files and even the entire content of your hard drive.

Worm – Worms are a subtype of viruses. Their main characteristic is that they are transmitted without user intervention and send copies of themselves, exploiting the weaknesses of other systems in the network. The main difference from viruses is that worms do not attach themselves to another file.

Trojan Horse – These programs are "camouflaged" in other file types (e.g., in photos/images) and cause damage when executed/used. They are activated when the user, for example, opens an attachment that is infected or downloads a computer program from the Internet. In most cases, a Trojan horse creates a backdoor in the system, which can be used by the aggressor to connect to the system.

Spyware – Spyware programs are programs that record the user's actions on the computer and send the information over the Internet. Spyware collects various types of information. One category of these programs records the pages/websites/networks visited by the user and then sends this information to advertising companies. However, in other cases, their objective is to intercept and reveal personal user information such as passwords and credit card numbers.

Rootkits – Rootkits are means/programming methods that hide system files and data, as well as function processes, undetected by the system. They are used as ways and means to bypass system security without being detected.

Ransomware – Ransomware is a category of malicious software that encrypts (encodes) user data, and then demands a “reward” from the user to decrypt (decode) this data.

Bots – zombies – This is a program that infects computers by making them members of a network that is remotely controlled by a third party, in order to carry out denial of service attacks (DOS attacks).

Scareware – Scareware are programs that usually appear as pop-ups/warning messages and are used to scare Internet users (e.g., by warning them that their computer is infected with malware) and fill their minds to purchase and/or install specific software that is supposed to protect them from attacks and threats.

Phishing – A website or email that tries to trick you into revealing personal information by pretending to be from a legitimate source, such as a bank or social network. Fraudsters, through these fake or bogus links, try to gain access to your personal data, such as bank account numbers or passwords. Websites can be easily spoofed, so make sure you always check their content. Continue to check the security status of websites where you may need to enter personal information, for example, whether it is encrypted (note if the address phrase begins with an "https", which means that they provide an SSL encryption).

Dialer – Dialer programs are computer programs that are transmitted over the Internet and installed on computers. What dialer programs do, once installed on computers, is that they change modem configurations from one particular Internet connection to another. For more information about the dialer, contact the EETT website at:

Installing an Anti-Virus: On your computer, select and install a program to protect you against malicious programs, getting it from a reputable and reliable company, and run it according to the supplier's recommendations. If the program has the ability to automatically check for malware, then enable it. Furthermore, if the program offers the automatic update option, then use it to protect your computer against the latest instances of malware. Otherwise, you need to update the program to the latest version. Some anti-virus products offer and support anti-spyware functions as well. Installing a personal firewall/system: A firewall is a system that controls incoming and outgoing communication from your personal computer, allowing or denying certain types of traffic.

Some versions of the operating system (e.g., Windows XP/SP2) offer a built-in personal protection system. Use strong passwords: Passwords can be created by combining different types of characters (numbers, upper- or lower-case letters, special characters). The minimum length of a password should be 8 characters, which should be changed frequently, avoiding the use of previous passwords. Moreover, you must avoid using specific patterns while creating a password, such as including personal information in the content (e.g., username, birthday or place of birth, father’s, or child's name), company information (e.g., company name, product, or service) words of a lexicon, e.g.,

English, date, or month/year combinations. It is recommended that you use memorable phrases, such as "I watch football every Wednesday at 10pm - 1shFçM @ 10pm". In case of a breach of access to your account, you must change your password immediately. Using the Administrator Account: When using your personal computer for routine things (e.g., using Word, the Internet, using email, etc.), it is recommended that you use a regular user account. The chances of an attack by a malicious program increase when using the administrator account, and the impact on your system will be greater, since the program will have full access to your system. Furthermore, you need to set a password to use in administrator mode.

To activate the Internet on Android phones, enter the Main Menu of the device and follow these steps: go to Settings/ Wireless Controls/ Mobile Network/ Access Point Names/ in APN type the text: (all in lowercase letters) and press OK. Turn off your phone, turn it back on, and try navigating in Internet.

4G is the 4th and most advanced generation of mobile technology, also known as LTE (Long Time Evolution) which offers faster browsing speeds than 3G.

4G is considered the 4th generation of wireless standards. The first generation was analog; the second generation was digital, and the third generation was 3G. The 4G technology standard allows you to benefit from a wider bandwidth of data transmission enabling new applications, previously impossible with wireless technology such as: 

- Business applications 

-Real time videos  Data generation from mobile phones

-Video messages

- Video calls 

-Video conference in real time, etc.

In accordance with the law on fiscalization, ONE uploads your invoice in real time to the central invoice platform, according to the legislative requirement.

The person authorized by your company must be provided with the username and password to use this system according to the legal provisions in force.

You can find below a video tutorial on how to use the platform.

Video training on fiscalization (

If you have any other questions about the process and ONE fiscalized invoice, contact your One Manager or call 144 or 165.

To be informed about your billing and monthly payments, ONE provides you with fast, simple, and completely secure ways for your business information:

• e-bill service - if you have not activated it yet, an email address is enough, and you can access the platform at any time you want. Send a request to to activate the service or call 144 or 165.

• Send a message with the text "0" to the number 145 at any time.

• Through the automated service 142.

To get monthly consumption details, you need to:

• Contact your ONE manager.

• Call 144 or 165 and our specialists will help you.

• Or write to us at

• Do not forget to leave your email address.

The detailed invoice can be prepared for the last 6 months from the moment when the request is submitted.

Yes, payment of dues can be made at any of ONE stores, throughout Albania, at any Western Union point, or at any commercial bank.

Your bill payment deadline is the 18th of each month. ONE constantly reminds you if there is a delay in payment from your side after this date. In case of not paying the liability, your services may be blocked until the moment that you will pay.

-ONE sends you an SMS at the beginning of each month as soon as the monthly liability is calculated.

-In every ONE store.

-Calling 142/123

ONE helps you better control your expenses. With the credit limit service, you set a maximum amount you want to spend in a month, on top of your monthly fee.

ONE notifies you when you reach around 80% of this limit. In case you reach the set limit, ONE automatically stops further use of the service to avoid further extra costs.

Contact your ONE sales agent.

Or call us at 144 and 165. Our specialists will help you.

To be informed about your monthly traffic, you need to:


To be informed about the remaining units of your rate plan, you need to:

- Create an account in the My One app.

- Send an SMS with text 2, to the number 145, for the remaining volume in the MB, SMS and Minutes.