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Ne në One Albania shprehim ngushëllimet tona më të thella për të prekurit nga tërmeti tragjik në Marok. One Albania mbështet abonentët e saj të prekur nga kjo tragjedi, duke..


Brano Djurovic

Customer experience becomes prime objective following merging successfully ended

After the historic acquisition of ALBtelecom and ONE Telecommunications by the Hungarian ICT..


We would like to inform One Albania subscribers that we experienced some technical issues which regrettably led to temporary disruptions in the 4G network services experienced by..


The parties mutually terminated their inherited litigations and confirmed their future strategic cooperation in a Memorandum of Understanding

  • 4iG Plc and the Government of..

ONE ALBANIA SHA (“ONE” or the “Company”) is an Albanian Joint Stock Company, with its address at Rruga “Muhedin Llagami”, Kompleksi Square21, Tirana, registered with the Tirana..


Based on the philosophy of providing good services and the latest technology, for an economical approach for our customers, One Albania presents "Trade&Upgrade".

In our..