Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)
One Albania recognizes the genuine public interest in the mobile communication technology both regarding handsets and base stations. With a sense of responsibility for its millions of customers, as well as for those interested parties which show a special interest due to having a base station in their neighbourhood, the One Albania handles participation of the public, environmental issues and customer needs in an open, constructive and honest manner.
At the same time and in cooperation with state authorities and the scientific society, OTE Group encourages independent scientific studies in health research.
The scope of the Electromagnetic Fields Policy is to describe the company’s and OTE GROUP’s voluntary and firm commitment in protecting the public through activities which endorse transparency, information, participation and promotion of science.
What is SAR?
The limit is based on the recommendations of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), a committee of experts recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO). ICNIRP reviews the validity of the limit values on an ongoing basis. It currently concludes that it is safe to use mobile communications provided that the limit values are ensured.
SAR stands for "specific absorption rate". SAR is expressed in units of watts per kilogram (body weight) (W/kg). All manufacturers check to ensure that their cell and smart phones comply with the exposure limit and publish the maximum values measured as the "SAR value" in their operating guides.
SAR Exposure Limits
The expert committees of the World Health Organization and the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) set recommended limit values and regularly monitor them. To do so, they evaluate the latest research findings on an ongoing basis. In the opinion of these experts, mobile communications is safe and poses no threat to health, provided that the limit values are ensured.
The limit of 2 watts per kilogram for cell and smart phones has been fixed in the EU Council's recommendation in 1999 and applies all European countries.
Cell and smart phones must comply with the limit value even at maximum transmission power. The limit value guarantees that mobile devices can be used safely by all users.
All cell phones are designed not only to comply with the defined limit of 2 watts per kilogram but also to remain well below it (adaptive power control).
The limit is based on the recommendations of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), a committee of experts recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO). ICNIRP reviews the validity of the limit values on an ongoing basis. It currently concludes that it is safe to use mobile communications provided that the limit values are ensured.
Handsets Sold by One
All SAR levels below the limit guarantee that it is safe to use the cell phone. ONE Albania is committed to trade only handsets that comply with the defined exposure limits.
According to World Health Organization (WHO), there is no need for any special precautions when using a mobile device, because the radiofrequency fields people are exposed to are below the limits for continuous exposure of the general public specified by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).
However, we want to provide those concerned with useful information. People who personally want to take simple steps to reduce their exposure should: